Newcastle eco event helps businesses tap into green economy

1 May

What a great day the Big Eco Show in Newcastle was!

Hundreds of businesses turned up on Thursday 18 April to find out more on how the green economy can help them. The Big Eco Show brought together and showcased businesses from across the region and focused on how they can grow and build their resilience within the green economy.

The key note speaker, entrepreneur Tim Cantle-Jones, spoke about the importance of the green economy and explained how it offers a new way of doing business; co-operation and collaboration rather than conflict and competition.

He outlined the opportunities for business, for the North East region and invited thoughts on the collective vision of what the future will look like if we get it right.

The Big Eco Show is the only place to be for firms wishing to gain inspiration and ideas around the emerging green economy to assist growth, to improve resilience to the impacts of the changing climate, and also to reduce costs by cutting emission

I am thrilled with the success of the Big Eco Show. Interest in the show has been exceptional and everyone we spoke to during the day told us that there was a real need for an event like this. We already have plans in the pipeline for a third Big Eco Show in Sunderland in the autumn.

If you want to find out more just drop an email to

Check out pictures from the day on Pinterest. Enjoy!

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