Archive | March, 2014

A year of sparkle

25 Mar

It doesn’t seem possible but it’s a whole year since I set up We Are Sparkle with my business partner Nicola Little. That’s 12 months. That’s 52 weeks. A whole 365 days!

We were so excited about We Are Sparkle back in March 2013. And we still are.

We Are Sparkle is our communications company and is driven by our shared ethical outlook, a desire to connect, and a clear creative edge.

We genuinely care about what we do and above all, we are about connecting our clients with the right audiences and generating the results that they want.

We have very complementary yet different skills (Nicola talks, I write, we both think).

And that’s why we decided to set up We Are Sparkle. We want to work with like-minded business rather than just take on work for the sake of it. We want to be seen as being a bit different and as girls making a difference – we’re very ‘sparkly’ full of ideas and energy and really care about what we do.

Over the last year we’ve grown the business steadily and have been lucky enough to bring on board some really lovely and interesting clients.

During this time we have recognised that we work really well together and importantly for us have a shared set of values – we care and want to help decent businesses that we believe in do well by helping them to connect and communicate.

We only work with like-minded businesses that share our values.

It’s astonishing how quickly time passes when you’re having fun! Here’s to the next year of sparkles.
