Archive | September, 2014

Fun in the North Sea

27 Sep

Whiling an autumn Sunday afternoon away in the North Sea isn’t something I would ever have imagined doing until I came across Cullercoats Bike & Kayak.

Established some six months ago, Cullercoats Bike & Kayak does exactly what it says on the tin. Simon, the owner, offers tours and rents out kayaks and bikes, providing the perfect way to explore the dramatic and beautiful coastline of the area.

Luckily taster sessions are also on hand, ideal for a complete novice like me to get to grips with a kayak and learn the ropes.

Unsure what to expect and extremely nervous about the prospect of dipping into the cold North Sea, I took comfort in the aptly named Snug, a small but perfectly formed café area with coffee in front of an open fire, located upstairs at Cullercoats Bike & Kayak.

Upon completing the obligatory health and safety forms and changing into a wet suit I was handed a special paddle for my left-handed awkwardness and we set off for sea.

I was surprised how quickly I got the hang of paddling and we were soon far enough out in the bay to enjoy the views and surrounding rocks and cliffs.

However, this was not a mere session for enjoying views. Soon the expert instructor was dishing out challenges including languishing on the front of the kayak Superman style.

And I discovered attempting to stand up on the kayak quickly results in falling into the water in a dramatic fashion.

The session was rounded off with the recreation of an emergency situation with paddles lost and kayaks upturned providing a glimpse into just how hard it is to manoeuvre and retrieve equipment in the water.

My wetsuit kept me remarkably warm blowing all my reservations over the cold out of the, er, water and warming up afterwards in the toasty Snug as a bunch of people played tunes and sang was most enjoyable.

I never would have known that an autumn afternoon in the North Sea could be such fun – roll on next time!

Check out Cullercoats Bike & Kayak on Facebook and Twitter.

Kayake 2

Kayake 1

Tenting it up at Rye Hill Farm

9 Sep

Without a doubt, Northumberland is my favourite county in the country. Strikingly beautiful, largely unspoilt, steeped with fascinating history and is home to many wonderful places to explore and stay.

One of my favourites has to be Rye Hill Farm. Located in rural Slaley deep in the heart of Northumberland, the 300-year-old small holding is the perfect base for getting out and about to explore the surrounding countryside.

As well as offering visitors a marvelous four-star experience in either its farmhouse bed and breakfast or self-catering holiday cottage, Rye Hill is also home to a bit of a hidden treat; a small, but perfectly formed, campsite.

It had been a while since I had enjoyed camping, so when the opportunity to pitch a tent and stay over at Rye Hill presented itself I was super keen to check it out.

Well-maintained, the campsite is quiet – a relatively long driveway from the main road through the 30-acre farm ensures that the only noise likely to disturb is the hearty bleating of sheep and enthusiastic clucking of free range chickens.

While situated high enough to command panoramic views, the site is actually very well sheltered. A world away from wind-tussled I can assure.

Best of all it offers commodities to ensure a comfortable stay. This includes electric hook ups, a fresh-water tap, a waste disposal point and, importantly, a clean modern toilet and shower unit.

The location of Rye Hill is conveniently close to a number of footpaths and tracks to explore on foot. If you wish to go a bit further afield you’ll find that the Derwent Reservoir, the woods of Dipton and Slaley, and Hadrian’s Wall are all short car rides away.

And after the trials of pitching a tent it is also particularly comforting to note that a very friendly hospitable pub aptly named The Traveller’s Rest is just a stone’s throw away.

Of course one of the pleasures of the great outdoors at night is sky watching, and Rye Hill’s location is privy to some of the most clear upward views, revealing fascinating constellations and other captivating night sky activity.

Such a treat, I would go back in a tent in a heartbeat.

Why not follow Rye Hill Farm on Twitter and Facebook.