The BMWi8 – it’s a bit back to the future

13 Nov

(Warning: this is a non-technical review and I don’t watch Top Gear)

If you’re after thrills, attention, speed and a glimpse into the future, with hardly a carbon footprint to mention, the BMWi8 is just for you.

BMW’s most flamboyant car yet was released back in July and it certainly wouldn’t feel out of place in a futuristic Hollywood blockbuster.

I’d say it’s a bit back to the future, what with its upward-swingy doors and slightly menacing headlights, bringing to my mind a certain Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine.

It’s quite a task not to just stand and gawk at it for a very long time.

Inside the car, the fun continues. There’s a digital dash and all the clever mod-cons you’d expect in such a mean machine to make it a super enjoyable experience.

The inside is surprisingly comfy even if the back seats and the boot are iddy biddy. To be fair I didn’t expect anything else.

What I didn’t anticipate, however, was how tricky it is getting in and out of this beast. Suffice to say I was very relieved I was wearing trousers or my dignity would have been swiftly destroyed.

Once on the road it’s quite a pleasure to pootle along at leisure in either comfort or eco mode while watching others goggling as you glide past. But, even better when on the open road you can toggle into sport mode, which is where the full awesome thundery power of the i8 comes into play.

Acceleration from zero to 60mph takes just 4.4 seconds.

Whatever that actually means, to me it was nerve-jangling speedy. However, its handling is obviously agile, the steering precise, and the braking effective, a combination which felt reassuring safe even at speed.

Of course, being a plug-in hybrid it’s also incredibly efficient. With a full tank and a fully charged battery the i8 can cover around 310 miles, so thankfully range anxiety shouldn’t be a massive issue.

The reality though is while it isn’t a time machine it certainly makes me think that we’re heading to the future – insanely FAST.

In the words of Doc Brown: “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”

Essential facts you might like to know

• It costs £99,845
• It’s a petrol engine with a 1.5-litre three-cylinder turbo
• It has a top speed of 155mph
• CO2 emissions are 49g/km (zero tax band)
• You’ll probably need a lie down afterwards

For more information about the BMWi3 tweet Andygclark or visit


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