About me


Genuine, conscientious and committed, I’m passionate about PR and digital communications and have wanted to work in the field for as long as I can remember.

My specialty is thinking creatively, developing sparkling communication strategies, writing spot-on copy that is relevant for your business and getting you in front of the right people to help you grow your business. This is what you will get with Sparkle Communications; an award-nominated digital PR and communications agency driven by an ethical outlook, a desire to connect, and a creative edge.

Always open to learning, new approaches and seeking ways to apply creativity and to innovate, I am delighted to be a part of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) North East Committee, which advocates the public relations profession and champions its professional interests.

I also love to work with organisations that I truly believe in and am privileged to be a board member for The Little Big Butterfly and The Northumbria Coalition Against Crime.

I also love to travel, dance and listen to music.

Get in touch with me at jen@wearesparkle.co.uk or on 07577999757. You can connect with me over on twitter @JenClairRobson @wearesparkle and you can also visit the website http://www.sparklecommunications.co.uk.

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