Tag Archives: Beauty

Bubble kingdom with a unicorn horn

30 Mar

This is possibly my most unusual and unexpected review to date. It’s an account of a horn.

But I’ll hold back on the double entendres and keep it clean; because, in fact, this is an entirely clean horn. It is a Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar, a limited edition from LUSH’s Valentine’s product range.

A beautiful rainbow of colours, the horn is a treat straight from the world of unicorn magic and delights – and comes complete with sparkles, glitter and sweet stars.

As a complete bath addict, this little piece of rainbow heaven was just perfect.

Being hopelessly extravagant I used the entire horn in one bath (apparently it can bubble-up many baths).

But when I want a bubble bath, well I WANT a bubble kingdom; and luckily this is exactly what I got.

The horn produced a mass of glorious bubbles while turning the water a luxurious purple-blue hue fit for a queen.

And oh my, the scent – unlike many of the excessively eye-wateringly strong LUSH products – was sublime and gentle denoting lavender and neroli tips. Conducive to a very relaxing bath affair.

All in all, this unicorn horn soap reigns and I’m pretty sad it’s a limited edition!

With thanks to Suzanne Clare Whelan.

uni horn

Tender loving skin care

18 Aug


Every now and then it’s lovely to really treat your skin to something utterly luxurious. Whether it’s just for the sheer indulgence or if you need to treat a condition such as psoriasis or eczema, it’s simply a must-do in my opinion.

So when my mum and I got the chance to try out the rather lovely range from Puriskin Therapy, we couldn’t resist.

My skin is a bit dry and sensitive and as I’m a little bit vain I always do like to try out new products in the endless quest to maintaining some semblance of youth.

Meanwhile my mum was in desperate need of tender loving care following some medical procedures that had left her skin sore and tender.

Introducing Puriskin.

Billed as innovative new natural technology that resurfaces the skin, it is a deep cell, reconditioning treatment specially formulated with a vitamin-rich complex to soften hardened blemishes while smooth and refining raised or bumpy bits of skin.

We both used the cream for a good few weeks and it not only presented noticeable differences for both of our various ailments, but it felt like a proper indulgent treat too.

The cream is infused with tigergrass and comfrey so smells exceptionally wonderful and best of all it was really effective in hydrating dry skin and improving damaged areas.

Would recommend to all!

Skinature offer a wide range of luxurious skin products and cosmetics all completely pure made with organic and natural ingredients. Their products promote healthy and vibrant skin and are gentle and nourishing. A perfect essential for children and anyone with skin problems.

A boost for my bare skin

13 May

Bare skin beauty is what I’m after.

I’m acquiring an increasingly aged look thanks to months of accumulated stress and leaning, perhaps a bit too heavily, on vices like smoking, drinking, and far too many late nights.

It doesn’t help either that I’m hurtling towards 40 with increasing speed.

I’ve noticed my skin is dry and sensitive. More worryingly for me, full-on bags have developed under my eyes complete with deepening wrinkles and general crinkles.

Now I understand to achieve desperately clear skin requires a certain amount of healthy living, and to my self-confessed credit I drink gallons of water a day and always get at least six hours sleep a night, even if that means missing the alarm.

But nonetheless, I was keen to review some beauty products, aptly named Bare Skin Beauty.

Luxurious, natural and organic skin food, this product is formulated perfectly for the natural beauty gourmand.

The citrus green clay cleanser is made with marine and botanical extracts and designed to decongest the skin and withdraw even the deepest impurities.

Goodness, this exactly what is required here! And certainly after using for a few days while relaxing in a hot bath my skin does feel unblocked, calmer and, dare I say, a little bit radiant. Quite a feat.

I’m addicted to facial moisturiser so I was keen to try out the antioxidant firming face cream that promises to deliver a powerful boost of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids to my face. It smells beautiful and has a lovely cooling zing; my poor dehydrated skin really benefited from this lovely cream, restoring a little calm and relaxation.

Equally, the illuminating eye serum was a godsend. Anxious about the appearance of my wrinkly and puffy eyes, this lightweight balm is blended to soothe and nourish the delicate eye area. After two weeks of use I have started to notice the dreadful puffiness and dark circles are abating somewhat.

The organic peppermint water worked perfectly in my everyday emergency situation where I need to wake up quickly. A quick spritz is all that is needed for a refreshing mental AND beauty boost.

Bare Skin Beauty claims you’ll feel happy on the inside and look fabulous on the outside.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Visit the Bare Skin Beauty website.

A hair mask for my Worzel hair

16 May

I’ve been treated to another lovely product to review for the Daisy Green gals. Here it is…

I’ve suffered with my hair. While it’s soft and pleasant to the touch visually it’s a nightmare.

It looks like straw, and is frizzy, unmanageable and just very badly behaved.

Any moisture in the atmosphere is guaranteed to turn my mane into a Grinch-like bouffant.

I’ve tried oils, conditioners, sprays and potions galore. None make a long-lasting difference.

Twenty four hours respite from the Worzel Gummidge look is the most I usually get.

The label.m therapy age-defying recovery mask offered me a glimmer of hope. It promised to quickly transform my weak, dull, aged hair into strong, radiant and youthful looking hair.

Using the product was a joy. Scooping out the thick, luxurious gloopy cream out of the sleek purple jar released its beautiful fragrance. Slathering that luscious gloop onto my parched barnet was pure indulgence.

My hair instantly felt softer and smoother – and that was while it was still wet!

After drying and styling it looked less frizzy and hadn’t taken on a greasy look as often happens with intensive hair conditioners.

I have used the mask a couple of times a week, as recommended, for about four weeks now.

While my hair still has an uncontrollable urge to frizz at will, it does feel tamed and tends to hold its heat-induced (guilty secret: I use straighteners) style a little longer than before.

It’s not a miracle cure for me, but it certainly lets me swap my Gummidge head on occasion to a more styled and sleek look.

Beyond organics cleanser and moisturiser review

14 May

I’m loving reviewing beauty products it has to be said. I’ve written up this one for Daisy Green Magazine this evening, but just couldn’t wait to publish it.

It’s for a cleanser and moisturiser from Beyond Organic Skincare’s new age defying range.

I wouldn’t say that I’m any more obsessed over my skin than the average 30-something woman, but I do take the trouble to cleanse well and I do enjoy a luxurious moisturiser.

So when I was asked to try a cleanser and a moisturiser from Beyond Organic Skincare’s new age defying range I was keen.

This new collection is made with 100 per cent natural ingredients and combines the latest scientific know-how with clinically proven active botanicals.

The Ultra Radiance Age Defying Cleanser uses gel-to-milk technology that washes off with water without containing any harsh surfactants or chemicals.

I was impressed with its ability to wash off eye make-up and it left my skin feeling really clean.

It was a pleasant change not to use cotton wool and it smells fantastic.

The Ultra Radiance Age Defying Day Cream is crammed with natural active ingredients that have been clinically proven to be effective in wrinkle reduction, which is great news for my rapidly ageing skin.

It’s a potent skin cream that is absorbed swiftly and left my skin feeling super-soft.

After weeks of using it I definitely feel toned and less wrinkly. I especially feel that the ever-deepening smile lines I’ve noticed around my cheeks have lessened.

These creams do come with a price tag but the products are highly-concentrated, so a little goes a long way and should last a long time.

I don’t want mine to run out!

A heavenly facial scrub review

3 May

One of the perks of working closely with the lovely ladies at Daisy Green Magazine is that I occasionally get asked to review beauty products. In fact this is the first and there are a few more in the pipeline.

This review is for Heavenly Organics ‘Invigorating Tea Tree Moisturising Facial Scrub’ and was first published on the Daisy Green Magazine website.

I’ve always been a bit obsessed with facial skin scrubs following bad advice during my teen years when I was told to use a kitchen sponge scrub!

Years of experimenting and trying different products for my sensitive dry skin that flares up with occasional spots means that I now have a list of firm favourites. Its a rare occasion when I add to the portfolio.

So when I tried Heavenly Organics ‘Invigorating Tea Tree Moisturising Facial Scrub’ I was pleasantly surprised.

Its simple ingredient list (unrefined Soil Association certified sea salt, organic extra virgin olive oil, and organic tea tree essential oil) reassured me that I needn’t expect any reactions to chemicals and additives – it happens to my sensitive skin a lot – and the scrub was environmentally sound too, which is a requisite I hold dear.

I used the scrub for the duration of around six weeks and really noticed a difference. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of tea tree oil helped to keep away pesky spots that crop up on occasion, and the sea salt exfoliated my skin with enough ‘feeling’ that I felt clean but gently enough that it didn’t leave a mark. The olive oil made my skin feel utterly soft, and frankly rather fabulous.

It’s definitely a keeper in my beauty product case!