Tag Archives: Film

The power of Elf

14 Dec

It’s absolutely true that I haven’t been feeling the Christmas spirit this year.

For a die-hard Christmas fan like me this is very unusual and it’s entirely fair to say that sitting down to watch a festive film hasn’t been at the top of my priority list.

So when a night at the Movies with ABCA Sky presented itself I went along to try and see if I could catch a bit of much-needed Christmas spirit.

With popcorn and pizza I settled down to watch Elf, the 2003 movie about Buddy who was accidentally transported to the North Pole as a toddler and raised to adulthood among Santa’s elves.

The entire plot is ludicrous. After discovering he’s not really an elf, Buddy takes it upon himself to find his real father in New York.

What commences is a ‘fish out of water’ romp with big seasonal bells on.

Dressed in a snug green elf outfit and dispensing decorations, sugary snacks and a beaming grin, Buddy is dismissed as a dangerous lunatic by his workaholic father and everyone else he meets.

Naturally undaunted, Buddy sets out to win over his father, younger brother and pretty girl Jovie while bringing a boat-load of Christmas cheer back to both a moody Manhattan and a moody me.

This film’s natural sense of stupidity and childlike wonder was a powerful tonic.

It may be aimed at youngsters but it sure offers plenty of playful mischief to appeal to the kid in everyone.

Mostly though, I like Buddy. Nothing gets him down; he’s giddy, cheery, always hopeful and his mantra mainly involves singing loud for all to hear.

Totally devoid of cynicism and entirely lacking in self-awareness, Buddy is my kind of guy and this film certainly re-ignited my Christmas cheer.

With thanks to ABCA Sky, a local Digital TV installer, with a dedicated customer service team who’ll look after your installation from start to finish. Visit their Facebook page here.