Tag Archives: hair

A hair mask for my Worzel hair

16 May

I’ve been treated to another lovely product to review for the Daisy Green gals. Here it is…

I’ve suffered with my hair. While it’s soft and pleasant to the touch visually it’s a nightmare.

It looks like straw, and is frizzy, unmanageable and just very badly behaved.

Any moisture in the atmosphere is guaranteed to turn my mane into a Grinch-like bouffant.

I’ve tried oils, conditioners, sprays and potions galore. None make a long-lasting difference.

Twenty four hours respite from the Worzel Gummidge look is the most I usually get.

The label.m therapy age-defying recovery mask offered me a glimmer of hope. It promised to quickly transform my weak, dull, aged hair into strong, radiant and youthful looking hair.

Using the product was a joy. Scooping out the thick, luxurious gloopy cream out of the sleek purple jar released its beautiful fragrance. Slathering that luscious gloop onto my parched barnet was pure indulgence.

My hair instantly felt softer and smoother – and that was while it was still wet!

After drying and styling it looked less frizzy and hadn’t taken on a greasy look as often happens with intensive hair conditioners.

I have used the mask a couple of times a week, as recommended, for about four weeks now.

While my hair still has an uncontrollable urge to frizz at will, it does feel tamed and tends to hold its heat-induced (guilty secret: I use straighteners) style a little longer than before.

It’s not a miracle cure for me, but it certainly lets me swap my Gummidge head on occasion to a more styled and sleek look.