Bubble kingdom with a unicorn horn

30 Mar

This is possibly my most unusual and unexpected review to date. It’s an account of a horn.

But I’ll hold back on the double entendres and keep it clean; because, in fact, this is an entirely clean horn. It is a Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar, a limited edition from LUSH’s Valentine’s product range.

A beautiful rainbow of colours, the horn is a treat straight from the world of unicorn magic and delights – and comes complete with sparkles, glitter and sweet stars.

As a complete bath addict, this little piece of rainbow heaven was just perfect.

Being hopelessly extravagant I used the entire horn in one bath (apparently it can bubble-up many baths).

But when I want a bubble bath, well I WANT a bubble kingdom; and luckily this is exactly what I got.

The horn produced a mass of glorious bubbles while turning the water a luxurious purple-blue hue fit for a queen.

And oh my, the scent – unlike many of the excessively eye-wateringly strong LUSH products – was sublime and gentle denoting lavender and neroli tips. Conducive to a very relaxing bath affair.

All in all, this unicorn horn soap reigns and I’m pretty sad it’s a limited edition!

With thanks to Suzanne Clare Whelan.

uni horn

10 Bad Reasons to Become a Volunteer or Why Selfishness Has No Place in Volunteering

23 Mar

Browns is definitly the new black

17 Feb

If you’re after a civilised joint to hang out in for the likes of afternoon tea, girl chat with cocktails or even a three-course dining treat, you’ll not go far wrong with Browns Bar & Brasserie.

Located on the esteemed Grey Street in Newcastle, our local Browns is a chic destination in the heart of the city’s epicurean scene, and especially handy for a post-retail therapy pit-stop.

Upon entry, past friendly suited and booted doormen, its opulent decor is reassuringly soothing, and comprises rich, dark woods complemented by plush leather seating, atmospheric lighting, and welcoming tables across a number of different levels and dining areas.

Let me tell you – for a slight snob like me, complete with a sensitive disposition, frankly I feel safe and at home.

And what’s even better, is there is space for a resident pianist. I mean, really, what more can you ask for than a tickle on the ivories while relaxing in good company?

So, enjoying a sparkling night out with friends we were treated to a corner table with a superb overview of the huge and busy central bar area, offering ample opportunity to indulge in a spot of people-watching from a safe distance.

The extensive and interesting menu is served up by very friendly staff. The dishes see some of the best seasonal ingredients used to create mouth-watering delights to please every taste.

There were a few of us, and we all enjoyed our fayre, which was washed down with bubbly Prosecco – a delightfully sparkly combination!

Check out Browns website and do pay a visit soon!

The power of Elf

14 Dec

It’s absolutely true that I haven’t been feeling the Christmas spirit this year.

For a die-hard Christmas fan like me this is very unusual and it’s entirely fair to say that sitting down to watch a festive film hasn’t been at the top of my priority list.

So when a night at the Movies with ABCA Sky presented itself I went along to try and see if I could catch a bit of much-needed Christmas spirit.

With popcorn and pizza I settled down to watch Elf, the 2003 movie about Buddy who was accidentally transported to the North Pole as a toddler and raised to adulthood among Santa’s elves.

The entire plot is ludicrous. After discovering he’s not really an elf, Buddy takes it upon himself to find his real father in New York.

What commences is a ‘fish out of water’ romp with big seasonal bells on.

Dressed in a snug green elf outfit and dispensing decorations, sugary snacks and a beaming grin, Buddy is dismissed as a dangerous lunatic by his workaholic father and everyone else he meets.

Naturally undaunted, Buddy sets out to win over his father, younger brother and pretty girl Jovie while bringing a boat-load of Christmas cheer back to both a moody Manhattan and a moody me.

This film’s natural sense of stupidity and childlike wonder was a powerful tonic.

It may be aimed at youngsters but it sure offers plenty of playful mischief to appeal to the kid in everyone.

Mostly though, I like Buddy. Nothing gets him down; he’s giddy, cheery, always hopeful and his mantra mainly involves singing loud for all to hear.

Totally devoid of cynicism and entirely lacking in self-awareness, Buddy is my kind of guy and this film certainly re-ignited my Christmas cheer.

With thanks to ABCA Sky, a local Digital TV installer, with a dedicated customer service team who’ll look after your installation from start to finish. Visit their Facebook page here.

The BMWi8 – it’s a bit back to the future

13 Nov

(Warning: this is a non-technical review and I don’t watch Top Gear)

If you’re after thrills, attention, speed and a glimpse into the future, with hardly a carbon footprint to mention, the BMWi8 is just for you.

BMW’s most flamboyant car yet was released back in July and it certainly wouldn’t feel out of place in a futuristic Hollywood blockbuster.

I’d say it’s a bit back to the future, what with its upward-swingy doors and slightly menacing headlights, bringing to my mind a certain Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine.

It’s quite a task not to just stand and gawk at it for a very long time.

Inside the car, the fun continues. There’s a digital dash and all the clever mod-cons you’d expect in such a mean machine to make it a super enjoyable experience.

The inside is surprisingly comfy even if the back seats and the boot are iddy biddy. To be fair I didn’t expect anything else.

What I didn’t anticipate, however, was how tricky it is getting in and out of this beast. Suffice to say I was very relieved I was wearing trousers or my dignity would have been swiftly destroyed.

Once on the road it’s quite a pleasure to pootle along at leisure in either comfort or eco mode while watching others goggling as you glide past. But, even better when on the open road you can toggle into sport mode, which is where the full awesome thundery power of the i8 comes into play.

Acceleration from zero to 60mph takes just 4.4 seconds.

Whatever that actually means, to me it was nerve-jangling speedy. However, its handling is obviously agile, the steering precise, and the braking effective, a combination which felt reassuring safe even at speed.

Of course, being a plug-in hybrid it’s also incredibly efficient. With a full tank and a fully charged battery the i8 can cover around 310 miles, so thankfully range anxiety shouldn’t be a massive issue.

The reality though is while it isn’t a time machine it certainly makes me think that we’re heading to the future – insanely FAST.

In the words of Doc Brown: “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”

Essential facts you might like to know

• It costs £99,845
• It’s a petrol engine with a 1.5-litre three-cylinder turbo
• It has a top speed of 155mph
• CO2 emissions are 49g/km (zero tax band)
• You’ll probably need a lie down afterwards

For more information about the BMWi3 tweet Andygclark or visit www.lloydnewcastlebmw.co.uk


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back to future


Fun in the North Sea

27 Sep

Whiling an autumn Sunday afternoon away in the North Sea isn’t something I would ever have imagined doing until I came across Cullercoats Bike & Kayak.

Established some six months ago, Cullercoats Bike & Kayak does exactly what it says on the tin. Simon, the owner, offers tours and rents out kayaks and bikes, providing the perfect way to explore the dramatic and beautiful coastline of the area.

Luckily taster sessions are also on hand, ideal for a complete novice like me to get to grips with a kayak and learn the ropes.

Unsure what to expect and extremely nervous about the prospect of dipping into the cold North Sea, I took comfort in the aptly named Snug, a small but perfectly formed café area with coffee in front of an open fire, located upstairs at Cullercoats Bike & Kayak.

Upon completing the obligatory health and safety forms and changing into a wet suit I was handed a special paddle for my left-handed awkwardness and we set off for sea.

I was surprised how quickly I got the hang of paddling and we were soon far enough out in the bay to enjoy the views and surrounding rocks and cliffs.

However, this was not a mere session for enjoying views. Soon the expert instructor was dishing out challenges including languishing on the front of the kayak Superman style.

And I discovered attempting to stand up on the kayak quickly results in falling into the water in a dramatic fashion.

The session was rounded off with the recreation of an emergency situation with paddles lost and kayaks upturned providing a glimpse into just how hard it is to manoeuvre and retrieve equipment in the water.

My wetsuit kept me remarkably warm blowing all my reservations over the cold out of the, er, water and warming up afterwards in the toasty Snug as a bunch of people played tunes and sang was most enjoyable.

I never would have known that an autumn afternoon in the North Sea could be such fun – roll on next time!

Check out Cullercoats Bike & Kayak on Facebook and Twitter.

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Kayake 1

Tenting it up at Rye Hill Farm

9 Sep

Without a doubt, Northumberland is my favourite county in the country. Strikingly beautiful, largely unspoilt, steeped with fascinating history and is home to many wonderful places to explore and stay.

One of my favourites has to be Rye Hill Farm. Located in rural Slaley deep in the heart of Northumberland, the 300-year-old small holding is the perfect base for getting out and about to explore the surrounding countryside.

As well as offering visitors a marvelous four-star experience in either its farmhouse bed and breakfast or self-catering holiday cottage, Rye Hill is also home to a bit of a hidden treat; a small, but perfectly formed, campsite.

It had been a while since I had enjoyed camping, so when the opportunity to pitch a tent and stay over at Rye Hill presented itself I was super keen to check it out.

Well-maintained, the campsite is quiet – a relatively long driveway from the main road through the 30-acre farm ensures that the only noise likely to disturb is the hearty bleating of sheep and enthusiastic clucking of free range chickens.

While situated high enough to command panoramic views, the site is actually very well sheltered. A world away from wind-tussled I can assure.

Best of all it offers commodities to ensure a comfortable stay. This includes electric hook ups, a fresh-water tap, a waste disposal point and, importantly, a clean modern toilet and shower unit.

The location of Rye Hill is conveniently close to a number of footpaths and tracks to explore on foot. If you wish to go a bit further afield you’ll find that the Derwent Reservoir, the woods of Dipton and Slaley, and Hadrian’s Wall are all short car rides away.

And after the trials of pitching a tent it is also particularly comforting to note that a very friendly hospitable pub aptly named The Traveller’s Rest is just a stone’s throw away.

Of course one of the pleasures of the great outdoors at night is sky watching, and Rye Hill’s location is privy to some of the most clear upward views, revealing fascinating constellations and other captivating night sky activity.

Such a treat, I would go back in a tent in a heartbeat.

Why not follow Rye Hill Farm on Twitter and Facebook.

A secret French paradise

30 Aug

It’s fair to say that the Ardèche is a secret French paradise. Nestled in the Rhone Alps region which borders the Swiss alps, Cote D-Azur and Burgundy it’s one of the lesser known destinations in France and is certainly one of the most remote.

Comprising grandiose, wild and unspoilt scenery, the region is known as the Grand Canyon of Europe because of its plunging gorges carved out by the crystal clear waters of the Ardèche and Rhone rivers.

The deeply breath-taking Ardèche Gorges Nature Reserve is a must see. The series of canyons wind around the rivers, which have no less than 25 rapids. Simultaneously sumptuous, savage and friendly it’s not difficult to see why walking, kayaking, canoeing and white water rafting are favourite activities here.

Lucikly for me, Ardèche is also impeccable for more sedentary activities like enjoying fine wines and feasting on gourmet foods.

The charming ancient cliff-top village of Balazuc provided me with the perfect place to indulge. Rightfully awarded both the status of a Village of Caractere and classified amongst France’s most beautiful villages, it clings bravely to the mountainside overlooking the river Ardeche and is a delightful maze of cobbled streets, ancient walls and eclectic shops.

It is in this idyllic setting that ceramicist and artist Tom Charbit creates a range of pottery and art using raw materials working with their imperfections, vitality and beauty, and a mere 15 minute walk away lies the ecotourism hamlet of Viel Audon where tasty organic goat’s cheese, fruit jams, syrups and juices are produced.
The Château de Balazuc, a luxurious 11th-century castle, was my home for an enjoyable evening. Run by the most hospitable Luc and Florence Lemaire, the restored Chateau boasts beautiful contemporary bedrooms, an outdoor swimming pool, and a terrace offering the most stunning sweeping scenery. Simply a perfect setting to enjoy local delicacies prepared by the lovely Florence washed down with beautiful viognier white wine and the region’s delicious speciality chestnut liqueur, châtaigne d’Ardèche.

Of course a trip to France isn’t complete without a visit to a winery. The ultra-modern Néovinum offers a unique interactive immersion into the Ardèche’s wine universe, followed by a most educational tasting session which did wonders to advance my oenologic knowledge.

The scenery in Ardèche continues underground, for the region is home to a secret world of seven magical caves. The largest cave is the awesome Aven d’Orgnac, which extends for over 20 hectares and its ceilings reach heights of up of 55 metres, the equivalent in height to Niagara Falls. Its geological jewels include fine crystallizations and enormous stalagmites and are a glorious sight to behold.

Ardèche is an essential destination for anyone seeking a slice of paradise. Its dramatic mountains and rolling green hills alongside paradisiacal chestnut forests and lavender fields all make for truly exquisite and goose bump-inducing visual treats. It really does offer some of the most diverse and spectacular landscapes I have ever set my eyes upon.

With thanks to the kind hospitality of the Ardèche Tourist Board.

Other places to check out:

  • Pont-d’Arc Cavern. The world’s largest replica cave ever built will open in April 2015. It is a carefully constructed copy of the original 36,000 year old cave which is only accessible for scientific purposes.
    Alba-la-Romaine Archaeological Museum. A recently opened Roman cultural heritage site showcasing archaeological discoveries made over the last 20 years.
    Bistrot de Pays Au Levant. Situated in St-Maurice d’Ibie, this restaurant offers seasonal cuisine prepared by owners Elodie and Nicolas.

Tender loving skin care

18 Aug


Every now and then it’s lovely to really treat your skin to something utterly luxurious. Whether it’s just for the sheer indulgence or if you need to treat a condition such as psoriasis or eczema, it’s simply a must-do in my opinion.

So when my mum and I got the chance to try out the rather lovely range from Puriskin Therapy, we couldn’t resist.

My skin is a bit dry and sensitive and as I’m a little bit vain I always do like to try out new products in the endless quest to maintaining some semblance of youth.

Meanwhile my mum was in desperate need of tender loving care following some medical procedures that had left her skin sore and tender.

Introducing Puriskin.

Billed as innovative new natural technology that resurfaces the skin, it is a deep cell, reconditioning treatment specially formulated with a vitamin-rich complex to soften hardened blemishes while smooth and refining raised or bumpy bits of skin.

We both used the cream for a good few weeks and it not only presented noticeable differences for both of our various ailments, but it felt like a proper indulgent treat too.

The cream is infused with tigergrass and comfrey so smells exceptionally wonderful and best of all it was really effective in hydrating dry skin and improving damaged areas.

Would recommend to all!

Skinature offer a wide range of luxurious skin products and cosmetics all completely pure made with organic and natural ingredients. Their products promote healthy and vibrant skin and are gentle and nourishing. A perfect essential for children and anyone with skin problems.

I heart Krakow

24 Jul

There’s nothing I like better than a city break so the opportunity to whisk my son away for his eighteenth birthday celebrations provided me with the perfect opportunity to try out somewhere new.

Krakow, Poland’s stunning second city, was the perfect choice. Just a two hour flight from Newcastle upon Tyne it’s a surprisingly speedy journey to one of Europe’s most historical and magical medieval cities.

After checking into the Venetian House, Krakow’s only aparthotel located directly on Krakow’s main market square, we set out to explore the city.

The main market square is the largest medieval-era square plaza in Europe. And very impressive it is too. Sitting in the middle of the square is an old Cloth Hall, which proved useful on many an occasion to gain my weak bearings, while a huge Gothic basilica stands proud at one end with the St Mary Town Hall Tower at the opposite.

Chilling in one of the many bars and restaurants (there are over 500 dotted around the old town centre), while sampling the local vodkas, wines and surprisingly delicious food, offers endless opportunities to watch the world go by.

Street performers add an entertaining buzz of excitement while horse and carriages transport tourists around the city. The market square is clearly the heart of the city.

Of course the weight of history hangs heavily in Krakow. The city has been at the centre of political upheaval in Europe for centuries, and the brutal horrors of the Second World War remain poignant.

Around 200 zlotys (approximately £40) will hire a buggy ride that explores the old Jewish quarter, and provides detailed narrative. This includes a visit to what was Oskar Schindler’s factory where the famous Schindler’s List was created, saving hundreds Jewish workers from certain death in Auschwitz.

Auschwitz is 30 miles west of Krakow. Our guide told us that all Polish students are obliged to visit. This should, in my opinion, be mandatory for everyone.

On the day we went, it was a blistering hot day as we passed under the Arbeit Macht Frei sign, yet I was cold with goose bumps. An official tour of the red-brick buildings converted to museums revealed the belongings of those who entered the camp.

I have no adequate words to describe Auschwitz. You need to go there yourself to comprehend the darkest depths of despair that over one million humans faced. Then put your own problems into perspective and be grateful for what you have.

That evening saw us spend an evening in a typical Krakow bar watching the World Cup 2014 final where Germany was victorious. The locals were beside themselves with delight and it highlighted to me that the passage of time will always bring forgiveness and light.

An interesting and beautiful city, I left a piece of my heart in Krakow.

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